‘Milestone’ Category

  1. Happy 1st Birthday Chloé

    December 17, 2012 by Mommy

    What a year, from the first time she controlled her arm so that she could touch her friends to her excitement to ride her first bike, it has been a joy to be a witness to our evolving Chloé. We love you! Love mommy and papa







  2. She’s a walker

    November 7, 2012 by Papa

    Over the past weekend, Chloé decided it was time for her to start walking on her own. She had been walking for a couple months now, and to be honest, we really thought she’d be walking on her own sooner, but she decided to take her sweet time instead. Up until last weekend, the would walk with our help or with the help of furniture around her. From time to time, she would make one or two steps on her own, until she realized what she was doing and fell on her butt.

    Being around older kids at the daycare is probably a source of motivation for Chloé. She can see them walk and run around and I’m sure she’s eager to do the same.

    While crawling used to be her favorite way of moving around, and although she’s still highly unstable, she’s now clearly making the effort to get up and go on her legs rather than on her four.

    Unfortunately we don’t have good photos or videos yet to share but we should post something here shortly. In the meantime, you can close your eyes and picture Chloé walking like a drunk little old man, with knees as straight as a stick. It’s hilarious!

    Update: we have a video of our walker in action…